Here is the mailbox that inspired this blog. It was in Columbus, Ohio, on Dublin Road north of Trabue Road - no longer accepting mail, as a new cousin stands across the road. Send in your pictures of rusty mailboxes to join it!

Friday, April 30, 2010

RM #126

I found this one on Riverside Drive in Columbus, Ohio. I'm not 100% sure if it is rusted or painted a rust color, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.

RM #125

Kurt Clark brings us these still in use Bellevue, Washington. He used his computer to make the photo look like a Polaroid. He even made it look like there is a thumbprint! We can remember Polaroid pictures but I'm not sure you can still find the film.

Thanks, Kurt!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

RM #124

"Mel" shares this one from close to Endee, New Mexico, saying, "Yes, this mailbox is in the middle of a field. I assume it was a homestead on Route 66 at one time, but now there isn't a house or road. The land is now used for cow pasture."

Thanks, Mel!

RM #123

Timothy Valentine shares this one from the door of Bottomley and Robbins, 46 Union Street, Attleboro, Massachusetts. Is it not ironic that a business that "has expertise in precision tooling and metal stamping, fusion welding, high volume metal component machining" has a rusty mail slot?

Thanks, Timothy!

RM #122

Bruce Poole sends us this one from a doorway in Carcassonne, Languedoc, France.

Thanks, Bruce!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RM #121

nyan ko done shares this one from Noge, Yokohama, Japan.

Arigato, nyan ko done!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

RM #120

Jenni Callard shares this one from Dewey Beach, Delaware.

Thanks, Jenni!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

RM #119

Maureen Bond sends along another set of rusty mailboxes also found in California.

Thanks, Maureen!

Friday, April 23, 2010

RM #118

Maureen Bond shares this one from Neenach, California. Maureen used a Holga film camera for this shot.

Thanks, Maureen!

RM #117

Tony Cyphert shares this photo of rusty mailboxes in Mill Creek, Washington, about twenty miles north of Seattle.

Thanks, Tony!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

RM #116

This rusty mailbox on Hayden Run Road in Hilliard, Ohio, is possibly unique.

The big rusty mailbox hangs there and holds a modern plastic one. The house it serves is an old one built in 1880 so maybe the owners didn't want a modern monstrosity in front of their vintage abode.

Heather Weddle spotted this one. Thanks, Heather!!

July, 2011, update another such aberration was found west of Chicago - click here: RM #507.

RM #115

My daughter Heather spotted this one and # 116 on Hayden Run Road, in Hilliard, Ohio, and told me about them so I went right out and captured them.

Thanks, Heather!

Two More on Fishinger Road

I found two more rusty mailboxes on Fishinger Road in Columbus, Ohio, today.

RM #113:
RM #114:
Notice how they would not be able to raise the flag with the duct tape holding the box on its perch.

RM #112

Rebekah Stearns shares this one from San Marcos, Texas.

Thanks, Rebekah!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RM #111

Victoria Pearsall sends us this one in Calcium, New York. She thinks it still may be in use.

Thanks, Victoria!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

RM #110

"victorey" shares this one found in Aptos, California.

Thanks, victorey!

RM #109

Clay Stein shares this one, saying that it's at Fort Ancient Antiques right past Kings Island.

Thanks, Clay!

RM #108

Kurt Clark brings us another from Bellevue, Washington. He mentions that there many of these mailbox houses there - but they don't seem to stop the rust.

Thanks, Kurt!

RM #107

Jancker C. gives us another one from Tokyo - this one in Toshima-ku.

Arigato, Jancker!

RM #106

"cathou_cathare" found this rusty mail slot while on a walk in Tokyo, Japan.

Merci, cc!

RM #105

KiwiPatPhooey contributes this one from Hamilton, New Zealand.

Thanks again, KiwiPat!

RM #104

Gane Kumaraswamy found these on Orcas Island, Washington.

Thanks, Gane!

Monday, April 19, 2010

RM #103

Jancker C. shares this photo of boxes in Sakado City, Saitama, Japan.

Arigato, Jancker!

RM #102

KiwiPatPhooey shares this one made from a cream can, saying, "I found this mailbox somewhere near Puketaha, Waikato, New Zealand. My new camera was begging to be played with and it was such a lovely autumn day I just got in my car and drove."

Thanks, Kiwi!

RM #1 Revisited

Here's Rusty Mailbox #1 with the spring growth around it.

RM #101

I found another one close to home today - it's on Fishinger Road in Columbus, Ohio, - not too rusty though it is kind of banged up but the mailman still manages to get the mail in as you can see.

RM #100

Christian Haugen found this group of mailboxes including several rusty ones on Sunset Way in Muir Beach, California. I would not be surprised if each one of these lots alone (let alone the house) was worth a million dollars or more, maybe they have high mortgages and can only afford a rusty mailbox!

Thanks (or should that be Takk), Christian!

We have now reached 100 posts and more than 100 rusty mailboxes featured in just over ten weeks!

RM #95, 96, 97, & 98!

Samm Bennett shares these from Japan:

RM # 95:
mailboxes & umbrella
This one is in Shishibone, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, note the umbrella hanging on the right side.

RM #96:
rusty old mailboxes
Seen in Kinshicho, Tokyo

RM #97:
On the wall of an abandoned house in Tabata, Tokyo

RM #98:

rusty red mailbox, Negishi
Taken in Negishi (Taito-ku), Tokyo.

Quadruple thanks, Samm!!!!

RM #94

Kurt Clark sends this one found in use in residential area off the old downtown corridor of Bothell, Washington. Note how its neighbors are covered and are not as rusty - yet.

Thanks, Kurt!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

RM #93

Terry Porter returns with this one found near Marble Falls, Texas, noting that you can see the spring wildflowers in the background.

Thanks, Terry!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

RM #92 or maybe RM #88 redux

We have an interesting situation. This is the same rusty mailbox that was previously featured as RM #88. The photo above was taken by Gustavsson exactly eleven months later. This shows you the box is rusty but it's hanging in there! As before (it didn't move) this one is found in Kopparberg, Sweden.

Thanks, Gustavsson!

RM #91

Richard Burke shares this one, saying, "The box is located in a small hamlet called Thias, in the Haute Vienne departement of France, approx 8k south west of Limoges."

Thanks, Richard!

RM #90

"aclamp" shares this photo of community mailboxeslocated outside a small town in Alberta, Canada.

Thanks, aclamp!

Friday, April 16, 2010

RM #89

Thom Evered shares another one located in the Township of Puslinch, Ontario Canada.

Thanks, Thom!

RM #88

"Splitt a.k.a Hawkeye" shares this one found in Kopparberg, Sweden.
(Be sure to see RM #92)

Thanks, Hawkeye!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

RM #87

Thom Evered shares this one located in the Township of Puslinch, Ontario Canada.

Thanks, Thom!

RM #86

"Hildretha of Nidhil" shares this photo of an aggregation of mailboxes in Madrid, New Mexico. Look closely - click on the picture - you may spot more than one rusty one!

Thanks, Hildretha!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

RM #85

Tracey Cole shares this interesting find - it seems as though it is an Italian letter box but she photographed it in Pembroke Dock, Wales.

Thanks, Tracey!

RM #84

Brent Schnabel shares this one saying it's "at the Everett, Washington, boat marina just north of the Navy base on the downtown waterfront. "

Thanks, Brent!

Monday, April 12, 2010

RM #83

Mike Garofalo shares this photo of three rusty mailboxes that sit at the corner of County Road 66 and County Road W in Glenn County, California, near the town of Princeton.

Thanks, Mike!

Three From Toronto

RM # 82:

RM # 81:

RM # 80:

Francis Mariani shares three more boxes all from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Thanks, thanks, thanks, Francis!